Saturday, August 18, 2018

Hiking: Shorter Dome Rock Loop & Catamount trail this week.

This week I had so much fun hiking with 2 hiking groups.  I hiked the shorter loop of Dome Rock in Divide, Colorado on Wednesday and on Friday I hiked the Catamount Trail in Green Mountain Falls, Colorado! Both hikes were fun but The Garden of Eden Area just over the ridge off the Catamount Trail is my favorite. Danielle said there were more flowers there in July, but it was a lot warmer then too.  She took lots of pictures of me.
She was trying to keep up with her friends because it's safer to stay together, but she took 2 good pictures of me up near Dome Rock.  I like to sit in the sun and hide in cool places. It was an exciting hike and we even had to cross a stream that had turned into a small rushing river from the storm the night before.  We hiked up quite a ways and crossed using a fallen log as a bridge.  The log wasn't very thick and I had to really hold on so that I didn't fall into the river and get washed away!  We didn't get a picture of that... maybe next time.  Danielle took a picture of me as I hid under a tree that was standing on it's tippie toes!  Have you ever seen a tree stand on it's tip-toes before? I had not and I thought it was pretty funny.  It was like a "tree that wanted to be a ballerina!"

Me on "Steve's Bridge"
Me on Michael's backpack
Danielle took quite a few more photos of me at the Catamount trail.  It's a very steep trail with lots of rocks you have to step up on which works your leg muscles a lot.  Danielle's husband let me ride on his backpack for a little while in the Garden of Eden area.  It's very pretty there, there are big rocks, and the trail is a nice dirt path.  There's tall grass and a little stream with fish called Brook Trout in it. I noticed there was a  lot of grasshoppers and Danielle wanted to set me in the grass to see if I could get a picture with one, but I didn't want to.  Danielle said I was being a party pooper, but I didn't want to, so I didn't. There was a bridge called "Steve's Bridge" so she stopped and took a picture of me on the bridge.  It's a pretty good bridge. There were also a lot of trees that had died and were decaying.  When a tree dies sometimes other bugs come and eat the tree.  I do not eat trees, I eat aphids, but I agreed to take a picture on the tree.
  I also took a picture with this pretty flower.  It was all by itself and I decided to be friends with it.  I think that it is a good picture of me.
Me on the very big mushroom!
  Then I sat on a really big mushroom! I couldn't believe how big it was.  There are all kinds of different mushrooms in the Rocky Mountains and they are all different colors.  You should NEVER eat a mushroom that doesn't come from the grocery store because some of them are poisonous and can make you very sick and you could even die if you ate the wrong ones!
 There is a very pretty little stream, or brook and I wanted to take a pretty picture sitting on a log in front of the water.  There is a lot of moss around there because of all the water.  I really like that area and think it would be perfect for a Lady bug picnic! Ladybug picnics are the best!

Me hiding in a stump
This was a selfie with me and my friend Danielle.  She has a hat that says, "Dandie" because she loves dandelions so much and so she picked that as her trail name.  Hikers can pick a fun trail name that is like a nick name, but if you aren't careful someone will change your trail name based on something silly, or funny that you do on a hike.  Danielle likes the trail name "dandie" because she says it's close to her real nick name "Dani" and she says she is "just dandie, and she's not liein'!" I have no idea where my hikes or adventures will take me this coming week.  I'm always excited to see what we will do next.  I hope you will keep visiting me here so that I can share all the fun stuff I get to do with you. Please comment below and just say "hello!" 

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